
The boy is 11 years old and in elementary school. This week, the child said that his ear hurts, and sometimes there is yellowish fluid coming out in the morning. He also has some low-grade fever. How should one treat an earache in children with ear infection effectively?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s orders and give the child some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be carried out using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child’s ear pain is severe, it is also appropriate to use pain-relieving medication. If the child has a high fever, then antipyretic medication should be used as needed. If the condition is severe, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. In cases of repeated acute severe episodes or if there is a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment should be performed. At the same time, attention should also be given to arranging a reasonable diet and sleep habits for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.