
My child, who is 18 months old, has developed many small red dots on their hands, feet, and buttocks. There are two blisters as well. They appeared on the morning of June 13th. I gave them some cooling herbal tea for fever. I want to know if this could be hand, foot, and mouth disease?


Hello, based on your description, your child may have hand, foot, and mouth disease. Although hand, foot, and mouth disease usually comes with a fever, not all cases involve fever. Please check for any oral ulcers or blisters, which are common symptoms of the condition. You can give your child vitamin C to boost their immunity and use calamine lotion to relieve skin symptoms. Additionally, administer banlangen and Qingkailing while closely monitoring any changes in their condition. If symptoms worsen or other discomforts arise, please take your child to see a doctor as soon as possible.