
We want a second child and are worried about genetic issues due to our age. We are considering American IVF for having a second child and want to know how American IVF doctors essentially ensure baby health? How do American IVF doctors essentially ensure baby health regarding chromosomal abnormalities?


As women age, the proportion of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos increases, leading to issues such as miscarriage, biochemical pregnancy, stillbirth, premature birth, and fetal deformities, which often result in pregnant women experiencing distress. To prevent such phenomena from occurring again, American IVF doctors conduct genetic screening on blastocysts before embryo transfer. By culturing the fertilized egg to the 5th day to form a blastocyst composed of over 100 cells, they then flexibly apply PGS/PGD technology for genetic testing. This accurately detects whether the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the blastocyst are abnormal, diagnoses 274 genetic diseases, and thereby selects and implants high-quality and healthy blastocysts into the maternal uterine cavity.