
Low learning ability and poor cognitive judgment. How can one determine if a child has an intellectual disability? What are the causes of intellectual disability?


The factors contributing to intellectual disability are multifaceted, including:

  1. Genetic factors, such as congenital Stupid chromosomal abnormalities, which account for approximately 5%-10% of intellectually disabled children.
  2. Congenital metabolic disorders caused by gene mutations.
  3. Prenatal damage, such as intrauterine infection, hypoxia, exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation, mercury and lead poisoning, maternal poor lifestyle habits (such as smoking, drinking, drug use), severe malnutrition, or maternal illness. These factors may lead to poor brain development or dysfunction, thereby affecting the child’s intellectual development. For the diagnosis and treatment of intellectual disability, it is recommended that parents take their children to specialized hospitals for follow-up consultations and receive appropriate treatment under the guidance of doctors.