
On the 17th of last month, I noticed oral ulcer symptoms in my child. Out of worry, I went to the hospital for a follow-up visit and received intravenous fluids. The doctor said it might be an upset stomach or oral ulcers. That night, my child had a fever of 38 degrees Celsius. After taking fever-reducing medicine, the fever subsided by the morning of the 18th. However, red spots on the hands and feet appeared again like mosquito bites. The child’s spirits are good. Expert, is this hand, foot, and mouth disease? Thank you! I’m looking for help with diagnosis and suggestions.


Hello: The possibility of hand, foot, and mouth disease cannot be ruled out in this situation for your baby. I suggest you refer to the following methods for treatment. Based on a detailed blood test, if there is evidence of viral infection, antiviral medication should be used. If there is bacterial infection, concurrent medication should be taken. Treat oral ulcers with iodine glycerin. If there is no trace or relief after three days of treatment, go to the hospital for a diagnosis immediately. Since the child is troubled by hand, foot, and mouth disease, it is crucial for mothers to bring their children to the hospital for treatment promptly. Avoid using unapproved medications blindly and ensure appropriate medication use. For parents, it is important to keep a close eye on their child’s condition and do everything possible to help their child recover from the disease in a timely manner.