
Recently, my child was diagnosed with newborn jaundice. I’m not sure what this means, and I’ve heard it might be caused by hunger. I want to ask, is newborn jaundice caused by hunger?


Newborn jaundice is not caused by hunger; hunger does not cause any impact. It is mainly due to various factors related to the mother. Newborns usually develop yellowing of the skin, eyes, and frequent urination within 2-3 days after birth, which is known as newborn jaundice. Medically defined, when bilirubin levels in a newborn’s blood exceed 5 milligrams per deciliter, visible jaundice can be observed. Jaundice is a common symptom during the newborn period. If the newborn is in good condition, the jaundice typically resolves within 10 to 14 days and no other symptoms are present.