
After my daughter fell asleep at around 9 PM, I noticed she took off my pants and kissed my back. Should I be concerned about this behavior as a sign of precocious puberty?


The development of sexual organs in children over ten years old is normal and there is no need to worry about precocious puberty. Due to the influence of good nutrition and hormones in food today, many children are developing earlier, possibly experiencing menstruation before the age of ten. However, this does not mean they have precocious puberty. Generally, girls experiencing menstruation before the age of eight are considered to have precocious puberty. In the current situation, it does not fall under precocious puberty. The child can still grow taller, so there is no need to worry excessively. It is important to ensure good nutrition and appropriate exercise during the child’s growth process. Please pay attention to a balanced diet and safety. Good luck.