
How can parents effectively care for children with tic disorders at home and in school environments?


Caring for children with tic disorders requires collaborative efforts between parents and schools. Here are some suggestions to help parents provide appropriate support at home and in school:

  1. Communicate with the School: Discuss your child’s condition with the class teacher, explain the illness, and request that the teacher understand to avoid misinterpretations of your child’s unusual movements.
  2. Follow Medical Instructions for Medication: Administer medication to your child under the guidance of a doctor and strictly adjust the dosage according to the doctor’s instructions. Do not change the medication dosage on your own, as this may cause serious side effects or increase the difficulty of treatment.
  3. Balanced Diet: Ensure that your child does not have picky eating habits, and for children with allergies, avoid contact with allergens. Also, be mindful of preventing constipation, as long-term constipation may worsen tic symptoms.