
My newborn has jaundice. How can I improve it? I’ve heard that drinking chicken soup helps. My sister just had a baby, can she drink chicken soup? What should she be cautious about in her diet?


Newborn jaundice refers to a condition during the neonatal period where an abnormal metabolism of bilirubin leads to an elevated level of bilirubin in the blood, causing yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. This is a common occurrence in newborns and can be classified into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Physiological jaundice typically does not require special treatment, whereas pathological jaundice may necessitate treatments such as phototherapy. In terms of diet, mothers can drink chicken soup without causing any adverse effects on their baby’s jaundice symptoms. Additionally, postpartum mothers should pay attention to a balanced diet, consuming more fresh vegetables and fruits, and avoiding excessive supplementation and overindulgence in high-fat, high-calorie foods. If the baby’s jaundice symptoms are severe or persistent, it is advisable to take the baby to the hospital for examination and treatment.