
My brother’s family has just welcomed a new baby. The baby developed jaundice on the second day of life and it has been five days now. The condition seems to be worsening day by day, and the baby is currently under observation in the hospital. Does anyone know if the jaundice level of newborns will keep rising?


Based on your description, the newborn may be suffering from pathological jaundice, which requires hospitalization and treatment with anti-jaundice medication and blue light therapy. At the same time, regular monitoring is necessary to assess the risk of developing bilirubin encephalopathy. After appropriate treatment, the jaundice level should decrease and stop rising, unless there are other specific causes. Be aware that jaundice is categorized into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Physiological jaundice usually resolves naturally within two weeks after birth. Pathological jaundice is often caused by liver and gallbladder system diseases, such as blood type incompatibility, breastfeeding jaundice, etc. If the bilirubin measured through the skin exceeds 10, further examination and treatment are required.