
I am 8 months pregnant, and the color Doppler ultrasound shows: single pregnancy, fetal head located on the left side of the mother, fetal biparietal diameter 83MM, cranial bone halo complete, no umbilical cord trace on the neck, and the facial features are unclear due to the fetal position. Could fetal osteogenesis imperfecta be misdiagnosed?


Fetal osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital developmental disorder, which is not related to the mother’s pre-pregnancy physical condition. It is mainly caused by chromosomal abnormalities or environmental factors during the pregnancy period. Early surgery for osteogenesis imperfecta is preferable. Routine B-ultrasound diagnostic examinations during pregnancy can diagnose fetal osteogenesis imperfecta deformities, but a simple B-ultrasound examination cannot serve as a criterion for cesarean section.