
A 2-year-old boy has been constantly scratching his ears and feeling itchy recently. There is a lot of yellow earwax, and he has poor appetite and fatigue. How should middle ear inflammation cause ear itching be treated?


In the treatment of pediatric middle ear inflammation, antibiotics are usually the main treatment method. According to the child’s symptoms, symptomatic medication can be used, as well as regional application of medication, such as ear drops. If the child experiences severe ear pain and discharge of yellow fluid, some painkillers can be considered to alleviate the symptoms. If accompanied by fever, parents can give medication with fever-reducing effects. In severe cases, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. If the child shows symptoms of tympanic membrane perforation, timely hospitalization for surgery is required. During treatment, it is important to supplement nutrition, maintain a light diet, and ensure adequate rest to avoid fatigue.