
What is the condition of newborn liver and spleen enlargement? I would like to know how long it takes for a newborn’s liver and spleen enlargement to return to normal?


Newborn liver and spleen enlargement refers to the clinical condition where the liver and spleen of newborns are enlarged. Normally, the upper boundary of a newborn’s liver is generally at the 4th rib space on the right midclavicular line, and the lower boundary is generally 1 to 2 cm below the right costal margin. The liver is more easily palpable below the xiphoid process, about 2 cm. The spleen cannot be palpated below the left midclavicular line or does not exceed 1 cm below the costal margin, with a soft texture and superficial location. During the neonatal period, liver and spleen enlargement is a relatively common clinical symptom. Newborn liver and spleen enlargement often diminishes with the improvement of the primary disease and returns to normal with treatment.