
My daughter is three years old and often has a bowel movement every few days, and it is very difficult for her to have a bowel movement each time. Her stools are hard and smelly. Sometimes, she even cries because she cannot pass them. We are all very worried. What should I do about my 3-year-old’s constipation? What foods can help her improve this problem?


Constipation may be related to a high protein content in the diet and a lack of carbohydrates, which can reduce fermentation in the intestines, leading to drier and harder stools. Additionally, if the diet is rich in casein, it can increase the content of insoluble calcium soaps in the stool, causing an increase in stool volume and constipation. When a child eats less, the amount of residual matter and stool in the intestines also decreases, and the lack of sugar in milk can also lead to drier stools. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust your child’s diet by increasing carbohydrate intake and ensuring that the diet includes