My daughter is three years old and often has bowel movements every few days. Each time she goes, her stool is hard and smelly. Sometimes she can’t go, and she cries there. We are also worried. How should we handle constipation in a 3-year-old child?
Constipation may be related to diet, as a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates can reduce intestinal fermentation, affecting the nature of the stool, making it drier, and leading to constipation. Additionally, if the diet contains a large amount of casein, insoluble calcium soaps may be present in the stool, increasing its volume and causing constipation. When children eat less, the amount of residual food in the intestines decreases, also leading to reduced stool. Milk lacking in sugar can also lead to dry stool. It is recommended to increase fiber intake and ensure adequate water consumption to help prevent and alleviate constipation.