
My baby is about ten days old and often complains of body pain, with a frequent sensation of stiffness. The doctor said it’s growth pain, and I’m very worried. I want to know when will the growth pain end?


Growth pains in babies usually take about a month to gradually improve. Growth pains are mainly caused by calcium deficiency, so we need to supplement calcium in a timely manner, eat more calcium-rich foods, and can also take calcium supplements to promptly replenish the body’s calcium needs, which can alleviate growth pain. During this period, it’s also important to supplement other trace elements. Growth pains occur due to the rapid development of various organs in the body and the lack of sufficient nutrition or trace elements supply. This is a normal phenomenon and there’s no need to worry. It is recommended to take oral calcium carbonate supplements. Eat more high-protein foods such as meats and dairy products, ensure adequate rest, and avoid fatigue.