The baby is 6 days old and their skin color seems a bit abnormal. The doctor used a bilirubin meter to measure the value at 400, indicating that the jaundice has reached its peak and immediate hospitalization is required. On the day of admission, three tubes of blood were drawn for testing, and the bilirubin level in the blood test was found to be 359. Inquire whether high jaundice in newborns affects the results of heel blood tests.
High jaundice in newborns does not affect the results of heel blood tests. Elevated bilirubin levels in children are generally considered pathological jaundice. Newborn jaundice refers to jaundice without biliverdin. The level of bilirubin in newborn serum is affected by various factors, including physical condition and environment. Physiological jaundice in newborns usually does not require treatment and typically resolves on its own within a week. Although physiological jaundice in newborns is a normal phenomenon, parents should still monitor it closely.