A 9-year-old boy, in elementary school, has been constantly tugging at his ear and complaining of itching. This morning, you noticed that the earwax is purulent and slightly yellow. He also has a low-grade fever. How should one effectively treat a child’s otitis media and tinnitus?
To effectively treat otitis media, one can choose some medications with anti-inflammatory properties under a doctor’s guidance. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can be administered using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the main symptom is ear pain, consider giving the child some painkillers. If there is a high fever accompanying the condition, use medication based on the child’s symptoms. In severe cases, please seek medical treatment at the hospital as soon as possible. In addition to the above medication treatment methods, if the child develops serious conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, timely medical treatment is required. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child, enhance nutritional supplementation, and help the child recover as soon as possible.