
The baby’s jaundice level was 23 when discharged on the 15th. The doctor prescribed Yinzhi Huang (a herb) to be taken orally three times a day, and the baby’s jaundice level was checked again at the hospital on the 18th. The doctor recommended blue light therapy, and the baby is currently undergoing blue light treatment. Is a newborn’s jaundice level of 23 severe?


A newborn’s jaundice level of 23 is severe, and it is advisable for premature infants to undergo hospital checks and treatment. However, newborn jaundice can be either physiological or pathological. Physiological jaundice usually disappears within two weeks. While taking oral medication, observe the baby’s condition for about a week. If the oral medication does not improve, it is best to opt for blue light therapy. It is recommended to pay close attention to the baby’s physical changes during this period and to give the baby plenty of water as needed. In case of necessity, blue light treatment should be administered.