
My child is 14 days old and developed jaundice on the fourth day. The index was slightly high at that time. The doctor prescribed medication to be taken. The result of the recheck yesterday showed a jaundice index of 13.6. Do I need to hospitalize my child in this situation?


A newborn’s jaundice index of 13.6 is slightly elevated. Currently, medication can be used for treatment and it can gradually decrease. Generally speaking, this is not a problem. If the jaundice index exceeds 14, it is necessary to go to the hospital promptly for blue light therapy and oral medication to reduce jaundice and prevent further aggravation of kernicterus. There are two methods of treatment for jaundice: one is medication, which does not require hospitalization in this case, and the other is blue light therapy, which usually requires hospitalization. The specific suitability should be strictly followed according to medical advice.