
If a child’s breasts begin to develop at the age of 8 and a doctor diagnoses it as precocious puberty, prescribing Zhibai Dihuang Wan and Da Bu Yin Wan, how long will these medications need to be taken to achieve recovery effects?


Precocious puberty refers to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in children before their pubertal age, such as breast development, the growth of pubic and armpit hair, rapid growth in height and weight, and the development of external genitalia. Generally, if girls show secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 or before menstruation starts at the age of 10, and boys begin sexual development before the age of 10, they can be diagnosed with precocious puberty. Parents should alleviate their concerns and actively seek medical assistance for etiological analysis and treatment. Children with precocious puberty can still grow normally with appropriate treatment and psychological support and will not affect their future marriage and childbirth. As for the duration of medication treatment, it should be determined based on the doctor’s guidance and the specific situation of the child. Parents should maintain close communication with the doctor.