
What Are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?


Glaucoma is typically caused by high intraocular pressure, with primary symptoms including blurred vision, severe eye pain, headaches, rainbow-like halos, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms are specific manifestations that can make one aware that they may have glaucoma.


How Should Glaucoma Be Treated?


The treatment for glaucoma primarily focuses on controlling intraocular pressure. Medications are commonly used to lower eye pressure, such as aqueous humor outflow enhancers or drugs that reduce aqueous humor production. Additionally, implants or surgery can be considered to alleviate eye pressure and improve symptoms. However, glaucoma cannot be cured completely; treatment can only control the progression of the disease and alleviate symptoms. Therefore, patients need to seek medical attention regularly and follow their doctor’s advice to ensure effective management of the condition.