
A colleague recently felt unwell and went to the hospital for a check-up. After the examination, the doctor told him that he had pediatric hepatoblastoma, so he wants to know how to diagnose pediatric hepatoblastoma?


Hepatoblastoma is the most common liver tumor in children, accounting for 62% of primary liver malignant tumors in children. The disease originates from hepatic embryonal primitive cells and is a malignant tumor derived from hepatic epithelial cells. Many cases that were previously considered inoperable can now be treated surgically through preoperative chemotherapy and interventional therapy to shrink the tumor and increase normal liver tissue. Patients with hepatoblastoma should pay attention to consuming enough high-quality animal protein in their diet, with chicken, fish, and milk being preferable sources of plant protein and legumes as the best choices. Ginseng, American ginseng, Astragalus, Red dates, edible fish, Wulong brain health, Longan, etc., can promote cell proliferation. After the examination, please seek symptomatic treatment at a local regular three-level hospital for better efficacy and fair and reasonable costs.