
I have been suffering from right-sided facial paralysis, but there is no numbness in my face, and I have a sense of pain. It has been three years, and the treatment has not been appropriate. Currently, my eyes cannot fully close, I talk with my mouth distortion to the left, tears flow when eating, I feel dizzy, and sometimes my head feels swollen, and my hearing has decreased. Laboratory and detailed examination results: diagnosed as regional facial paralysis by the Third Military Medical University. Previous treatment and effectiveness: treated at the Third Military University, through intravenous infusion, taking traditional Chinese medicine, and acupuncture, but it was not completely cured. I have been taking medication continuously, including Western medicine such as Ginkgo Extract (formerly administered intravenously) then changed to Ginkgo Biloba tablets, Xuesaitong, sodium ferulinate, VB1, and potassium molybdate (formerly administered intravenously) then taken in tablet form, Lufan Wan (a traditional Chinese medicine pill), followed by taking traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. To date, I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine, but the results have not been satisfactory. I am seeking assistance with: 1. Can it be cured? 2. How should it be treated? 3. Which hospital in China?


The treatment principle for facial paralysis is to stabilize regional blood circulation, reduce facial edema, and promote complete recovery of function. 1. Use prednisone as soon as possible, with an initial dose of 1 mg/kg bid for the first 5 days, then gradually reduced to 5 mg/day within the next 10 days. 2. Antiviral drugs. 3. High-dose neurotrophic drugs and appropriate use of vasodilator kits such as B vitamins, ATP, etc. 4. Physical therapy: infrared radiation or ultrashort wave diathermy near the stria terminalis. 5. Traditional Chinese medicine: modified Chuanzheng San. Specific usage and precautions should be strictly followed as per the doctor’s instructions.