There’s a little girl in the same village who is just 10 years old, and she is already very tall, almost as tall as an adult, and her breasts have already started to develop. Her family says she doesn’t eat dinner on time and loves to eat snacks. I’m curious, how come she’s growing so fast? What are the causes of precocious puberty?
Generally, girls begin to develop secondary sexual characteristics around the ages of 12 to 18. If they start showing these characteristics before the age of 10, it is considered precocious puberty. The causes of precocious puberty are closely related to diet, including not eating dinner on time and excessive consumption of snacks. In addition, endocrine hormones within the body are also closely related to precocious puberty. If there are abnormal conditions, it may be necessary to conduct blood tests for sex hormones to assess whether hormone levels are too high. If the test results indicate high hormone levels, consideration may be given to using combined medications to suppress the development of precocious puberty.