
What is the prognosis for patients with hepatoblastoma? If a three-month-old baby is diagnosed with hepatoblastoma with a tumor size of approximately 5.6x4.6 cm, can treatment be performed in this situation?


Pediatric hepatoblastoma is a liver malignant tumor that originates from the liver blastema tissue and primarily occurs in infants and toddlers under the age of 3. Clinical manifestations of the disease include gradual enlargement of the abdomen, palpable mass in the upper abdomen, decreased appetite, weight loss, anemia, and in the later stages, jaundice and ascites. Diagnosis is primarily based on clinical symptoms and laboratory and imaging examination results. If the tumor is solitary, has a small size, and is superficially located without any extrapelvic metastasis, surgical resection may be an option for treatment, offering a chance for cure.