
A girl born in April 2004 began showing signs of precocious puberty in November 2011. After being diagnosed by a doctor, she took Zhibai Dihuang Wan and Vitamin D, and her symptoms disappeared. However, recently, she has shown signs of breast development again. How should parents handle this situation?


Generally speaking, if a girl develops secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 or experiences her first menstrual period before the age of 10, and a boy starts sexual development before the age of 10, they may be diagnosed with precocious puberty. When faced with a child’s precocious puberty, parents should alleviate their concerns, actively seek the cause, and provide patient explanations to avoid putting the child under psychological stress. Additionally, it is recommended that parents closely cooperate with doctors to adjust the treatment plan based on the child’s specific situation. In daily life, it is important to cultivate good living habits in children, maintain regular schedules, avoid smoking and drinking, and encourage them to participate in physical exercise to enhance their immunity and prevent recurrence of the condition.