
My mother is 68 years old. She went for a thorough check-up at the hospital yesterday, and the doctor said she has glaucoma. However, my mother can barely see things in the morning and evening, but she can’t see anything at all when there’s sunlight or strong light. I would greatly appreciate any help: How can we determine if this condition is glaucoma, and if so, how can it be treated or what potential remedies are available. Thank you very much!


The main symptom of glaucoma is high intraocular pressure, which often causes eye swelling and headache in many people. However, some individuals may not experience these symptoms. Your mother’s situation might be cataracts, which generally occur in those under 50 years old. But if the intraocular pressure is high, it indicates glaucoma. Glaucoma requires early surgery as the disease is irreversible. In addition, patients should develop regular lifestyle habits, adhere to treatment, maintain a light diet, and engage in aerobic exercises to enhance their immunity and reduce the risk of illness.