
My baby has had severe jaundice since birth, and usually, jaundice disappears after a week. However, the doctor said our baby might have bile duct obstruction. What is the pain level of bile duct obstruction in newborns?


Newborns with bile duct obstruction may experience pain in the later stages. Initially, for the first three months, the child’s growth and development may be affected, with no significant changes in height and weight. After three months, the child’s development may slow down, potentially leading to malnutrition and a decline in overall health. Bile duct obstruction may cause fat absorption difficulties and deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins, leading to a rapid deterioration of the child’s overall condition. Vitamin A deficiency may cause dry eyes and nail deformities, vitamin D deficiency may lead to rickets and seizures, and vitamin K deficiency may result in reduced clotting factors and subcutaneous hemorrhages. Additionally, patients are prone to complications such as upper respiratory infections and diarrhea.