
Recently, I’ve been chatting with my brothers, and I found out that most of us have some kind of navel inflammation. Some have seen a doctor but the treatment effect wasn’t good, and some are too embarrassed to go. Is it normal for navel inflammation to keep recurring for a year and lead to pus discharge?


You have navel inflammation. Maintain clean, hygienic, and dry navel skin. You can use sterile cotton swabs dipped in 75% alcohol to clean the remaining navel skin or navel cavity secretions, then apply 1% gentian violet or 2.5% iodine alcohol, and wrap with a disinfected gauze. Navel inflammation can range from mild to severe. It’s best to go to the hospital for a check-up and treatment. Pay attention to regional hygiene; it can be treated. Suggestions: Focus on health, eat more green vegetables regularly to increase nutrition, and consume fruits with high water content such as oranges, watermelons, and peaches. Avoid spicy foods, smoking, and drinking.