
My daughter is currently 3 years old, and recently, she has been experiencing some ear pain. I noticed that the earwax is purulent and yellowish, accompanied by headaches and fever. I would like to ask: How should a child’s otitis media be diagnosed and treated?


It is recommended that parents choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under the guidance of a doctor to alleviate inflammatory symptoms in the child. At the same time, regional treatments such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops can be combined; for children with severe ear pain and excessive secretion, painkillers are suggested to relieve symptoms; for those with fever, oral antipyretics can be taken. If symptoms do not improve, it is essential to seek medical attention. In cases of repeated acute attacks or if there is a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment should be conducted. During the treatment period, it is important to supplement nutrition, eat a light diet, and get plenty of rest to avoid fatigue.