
My child has symptoms such as fever, drooling, oral ulcers, poor appetite, and red, small beans on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The illness has been present for four days. Some medicine was prescribed at the maternal and child health care center, including cefixime granules, valacyclovir dispersible tablets, Shupailaitong tablets, and Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral liquid, but the child has difficulty taking the medicine. I want to know what parents should do? What should the child pay attention to? Do we need intravenous fluid therapy?


Considering the child’s symptoms of fever, drooling, oral ulcers, poor appetite, and red, small beans on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, it is likely hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is recommended to focus on treatment and give the child antiviral oral medications and cephalosporin antibiotics. At the same time, carefully observe the child’s condition for any other issues. In terms of diet, encourage the child to drink plenty of plain water and eat light foods while paying attention to diet and hygiene. Hand, foot, and mouth disease can be quite harmful to children. It is advisable for parents to take their child to a specialized clinic for a follow-up consultation and treatment under a doctor’s guidance. In addition, you can give your child some juice to aid digestion and supplement vitamins, preventing gastrointestinal problems. We hope the child can recover quickly!