
Can an infant with optic nerve atrophy be treated if they have no vision?


The treatment of optic nerve atrophy primarily focuses on addressing the underlying cause, followed by a comprehensive evaluation and treatment using both traditional and Western medicine. It is entirely possible to fully recover or maintain the function of the remaining nerve fibers. Therefore, it is crucial to instill confidence in the patient and persist with treatment. It is recommended to consume a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and dried fruits, and not to miss out on animal liver and meat. Most importantly, proper eye hygiene and scientific eye use are essential; pay attention to the distance from the light when reading or practicing. Children troubled by optic nerve atrophy should be taken to a doctor for immediate treatment to prevent the blind use of medication to alleviate symptoms. For parents, it is vital to provide ample care and attention to their children, doing everything possible to help them receive timely treatment for their illness.