
My daughter is just three months old, and recently I’ve noticed she has a sore throat, severe coughing, and a low-grade fever. What dietary precautions should be taken for a child with tonsillitis?


Children are prone to tonsillitis, and once it occurs, it is important to have the child examined and treated promptly. In terms of diet, it is recommended to mainly consume vegetables and fruits, as these are lighter, rich in vitamins and trace elements, and can aid in the recovery from the illness. When selecting fruits, it is advisable to choose those that are neutral in nature and rich in vitamins, such as tangerines and kiwis. For the diet, it is best to opt for easily digestible foods like porridge or noodles. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid giving children seafood or dog meat, as these may worsen the condition. Apart from cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, parents should also help children develop good dietary and living habits, which can contribute to the child’s quick recovery.