
Can pregnant women with newborn jaundice eat eggs? It is known that spicy and fried foods should be avoided, but there is still doubt about the consumption of eggs. Moreover, are there any other special dietary precautions that need to be taken? How will these dietary habits affect the baby’s health?


Newborn jaundice is a common clinical condition, primarily caused by abnormal bilirubin metabolism during the neonatal period, leading to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood and subsequent yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. This condition can be categorized into physiological and pathological types. Physiological jaundice usually appears 2-3 days after birth, reaches its peak at 4-6 days, and gradually subsides after 7-10 days. In premature infants, it may last longer and typically presents with only mild loss of appetite without other obvious symptoms. As for the diet of pregnant women, the impact of newborn jaundice is relatively minor. It is recommended that pregnant women maintain a light and healthy diet, including eggs