
A while ago, a friend of mine just gave birth to a baby in the hospital, but the doctor told us that the child has symptoms of neonatal purpura. We were all surprised, how could this happen? What could be the cause of this disease? Can neonatal purpura be cured?


Allergic purpura can be treated. You can check for allergens, avoid triggers in daily life, and pay attention to rest and reduce violent activities. The first step is targeted treatment. If it is allergic, anti-allergy treatment should be carried out, such as platelet reduction therapy, corticosteroid medications, etc., to control the condition. Treatment is possible, but it must go through a process, and the severity of the condition must be assessed to determine the treatment duration, so there is no need to worry; be patient with the treatment. Usually, we should give the baby more exercise to strengthen the body and boost immunity. We should try to find out the cause.