A one-year-old boy has developed a red swelling on his arm, which has been diagnosed by a doctor as a hemangioma. The boy has poor sleep at night and often cries and fusses. How should hemangiomas be treated to achieve the best results? What methods can be used to alleviate his discomfort?
Hemangiomas are a common benign disease, formed by the abnormal proliferation of vascular endothelial cells to create regional tumors. The treatment method needs to be determined based on the specific situation of the hemangioma. If there are few hemangiomas, they are not large in size, and there are no obvious clinical symptoms or liver function abnormalities, no special treatment is required; regular observation of the condition is sufficient. However, if there are many hemangiomas, they are large in size, and there are many symptoms, surgical treatment may be necessary.