
After a newborn is one month old, a check-up reveals that the jaundice index is elevated, and the baby has received blue light therapy. The doctor recommends a brain examination. In this situation, do newborns with high jaundice need a brain examination?


Newborn jaundice refers to the condition where, during the newborn period, an abnormal metabolism of bilirubin leads to an elevated level of bilirubin in the blood, causing yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. This condition can be classified into two major types: physiological jaundice, which usually does not require special treatment, and pathological jaundice, which needs to be treated with blue light therapy to promote the regression of jaundice. If there is a suspected risk of bilirubin encephalopathy, a cranial brain imaging examination should be conducted. It is recommended to follow the doctor’s professional guidance for medication treatment or blue light therapy.