
My 3-year-old daughter, who just started kindergarten, has been experiencing ear pain recently. The earwax is yellow and she has a slight fever. I’m asking: How should one effectively treat a child’s otitis media with yellow discharge?


Treatment for this condition includes administering symptomatic antibiotic medications to the child, conducting a bacterial culture of ear secretions, and using anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the results. If the child has severe ear pain, it is recommended to administer painkillers according to the actual situation. If fever is present, antipyretic medication can be taken. If high fever persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. The aforementioned are common treatment methods. If the child shows symptoms of perforated eardrum, immediate medical treatment and surgery may be required. It is recommended that parents pay attention to this disease, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and pay attention to related preventive and health care work in daily life.