
My baby is 18 months old. Two days ago, she had a sore throat and went for a blood test. The report said her red blood cell count was only 102, indicating mild anemia. How should we treat and supplement her diet?


Anemia can lead to a weakened immune system and frequent colds. Severe anemia should be treated with medication, while mild cases can be managed with dietary supplements. Blood tests typically include MCV, which is the average red blood cell volume, with normal values ranging from 80 to 94 fl. Increased MCV is seen in macrocytic anemia, while decreased MCV is seen in microcytic hypochromic anemia. MCH, the average red blood cell hemoglobin content, has normal values from 27.0 to 34.0 pg. Clinical significance: Increased MCH is seen in hemolytic anemia, while decreased MCH is seen in iron deficiency anemia. These tests should be combined with red blood cell count, hemoglobin levels, and clinical symptoms.