
I’ve been pregnant for a few months now, and it’s been a joyous time. However, during my previous prenatal check-up, it was discovered that my bilirubin levels were high. Now that my baby has been born, the doctors at the hospital say there’s an ABO hemolytic disease. What should I do about my newborn’s ABO hemolytic disease?


Newborn ABO hemolytic disease is a condition that can lead to jaundice. It can be categorized into congenital hemolytic anemia and acquired hemolytic anemia (including autoimmune hemolytic anemia and alloimmune). The characteristic of newborn ABO hemolytic disease is the appearance of jaundice within 24 hours after birth, which gradually worsens. In addition to jaundice, symptoms such as anemia and edema may also occur. One of the principles of treating this disease is to detect and treat it as early as possible, as the longer the course, the greater the potential risks, and it may also lead to complications such as brain nerve damage.