
What should be done if an infant suddenly stops wanting to drink milk at around a few months old?


During the growth process, infants may experience a refusal to drink milk. This could be due to a deficiency in vitamin C, which may cause symptoms such as excitement, fatigue, decreased appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Particularly, symptoms like swelling in the lower limbs, legs spread out and bent inward like a frog’s position, and a sensitive reaction to touch are possible. It is recommended to supplement with vitamin C appropriately to improve these symptoms. Additionally, since an infant’s stomach is small and horizontally positioned, with low fundus muscle tension and a well-developed pyloric sphincter, it is easy for them to spit up after feeding. To prevent this, it is suggested to hold the baby upright after feeding and gently tap their back with an open palm to help them expel gas. This approach