
Babies need to feed every hour or half an hour during the day, and it’s even difficult to put them down while they’re sleeping. However, at night, they can sleep peacefully after feeding every two hours. What could be the reason for this situation?


Hello, if the baby does not show any other symptoms, this is a normal phenomenon, and it is recommended to continue observing. Infants of a young age naturally feed on demand and frequently. Breast milk is easier to digest than formula milk, which means it stays in the gastrointestinal tract for a shorter period of time, making the baby feel hungrier more easily. As the baby grows older and improves their breastfeeding technique, they will be able to take in more milk at one time, naturally extending the feeding intervals. If frequent feeding causes inconvenience to the mother, it is suggested to try and let the baby eat until full, avoiding distractions such as playing while eating to prevent the habit of drinking ‘snack milk’.