
My child has had a cold with diarrhea for about a week now, and the cold, anti-inflammatory, and antidiarrheal medications haven’t worked. Could it be gastroenteritis? Is it effective to take Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid?


As long as the child’s condition is actively treated for the common cold, it should be fine! It’s likely that the diarrhea is due to a viral infection. When children have a cold, parents must follow medical instructions to provide proper home care. One important aspect of home care for children with a cold is to ensure they get plenty of rest. The younger the child, the more rest they need, and they should only resume normal activities after symptoms disappear. Another key point is to take medication on time. For most colds, they are usually caused by viruses, making antibiotics ineffective. Especially in the early stages of viral infection, antibiotics are not only ineffective but also can disrupt the body’s microbial balance, fostering the growth of harmful bacteria and exacerbating the condition.