
The baby shows interest in suckling various items but is unstable when it comes to drinking milk, sometimes going for ten hours without wanting to nurse, yet showing a good response to drinking water and thin congee. The baby is currently four months old, and this behavior started two months ago. All other health checks have been normal, and the baby does not like sweet water. How should this situation be handled?


The baby may have already become accustomed to the mother’s soft nipple and needs time to adapt to the bottle. During times when the baby is in a good mood, try feeding with the bottle a few times. Additionally, you can try using a simulated nipple or formula milk. It is important for the mother to be patient during this process. Normally, if a baby refuses to drink milk, there must be a reason. Firstly, pathological conditions should be ruled out, checking for symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and looking for white milk clots, ulcers, or blisters in the mouth. Physiological…