
What should parents do when their daughter shows signs of precocious puberty? What kind of symptoms are these, and do they require hospital treatment?


When a daughter shows signs of precocious puberty, the first step is to undergo bone age and B-ultrasound examinations to assess her developmental status. If the situation is severe, sexual hormone stimulation tests may be necessary. If the daughter starts to develop lumps on one or both sides of her chest that are hard or painful when pressed, it is recommended to take Dabuyin Wan or Zhipei Dihuang Wan for one to two months. Usually, mild symptoms will disappear with the initial treatment. If the symptoms recur, the difficulty of treatment may increase, so parents must pay close attention. The key to early puberty in girls lies in dietary control, especially for high-risk groups, where strict dietary control should be maintained to avoid consuming foods containing hormones.