
What can my child eat to boost iron and blood if they have mild anemia? They’ve been reluctant to eat recently, and I need suggestions on what to feed them to help with the anemia.


If your child has mild anemia, they can supplement iron and blood through diet. Generally, as children start introducing solid foods, the limited variety of these foods may not provide a balanced nutrition, and the decreasing nutrients in breast milk can lead to anemia symptoms. It’s recommended to use food supplements, such as feeding your child animal liver, like chicken liver, which is very effective for improving anemia. After frying the chicken liver with a small amount of oil and chopping it up, mix it into the baby’s meals (the amount of new food should be gradually increased, adjusted according to the baby’s condition). Alternatively, you can choose high-iron milk powder for your child to drink. (Note: The above information is for reference only. Please consult a doctor based on your actual situation.)