
A 6-month-old baby has been suffering from a fever for two days due to recent rainy weather. A check-up reveals that the white blood cell count has dropped to 2.2. Is this level of white blood cell count risky?


Generally, a decrease in white blood cell count may be caused by viral infections, colds, or even side effects of medication. If the decrease is due to medication or other chemical toxins, it is essential to stop taking the medication and avoid exposure to radiation or other harmful substances. White blood cell reduction caused by splenic hyperplasia may be accompanied by recurrent severe infections, and in such cases, considering a splenectomy may be an option. Typical symptoms of leukopenia include dizziness, fatigue, achy limbs, decreased appetite, listlessness, and low-grade fever, which fall under the category of “deficiency” in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for leukopenia often involves methods such as invigorating Qi and nourishing blood, replenishing kidney essence, and strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach.