
A 10-year-old child often doesn’t eat properly, and even a slight overeating can lead to food accumulation or vomiting. The child is rather thin, and sometimes given digestive tablets when overeating, but the effect is not significant.


Pediatric diarrhea, also known as indigestion, is a gastrointestinal disorder caused by dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. This condition can occur throughout the year, with more cases in autumn and winter. It commonly affects infants and young children under 2 years old. After onset, it can easily lead to consumption of Qi and Yin, with severe cases potentially developing dangerous complications. Prolonged illness often leads to malnutrition in children, delayed growth and development, and symptoms like malnutrition. This condition is similar to modern medical conditions such as pediatric indigestion, fatty diarrhea, intestinal malabsorption syndrome, and viral enteritis. The stools can be as thin as water, often accompanied by abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss.