
What are some effective methods for treating children with ADHD? The child’s condition has been ongoing, and the parents are unwilling to medicate their child, hoping to receive some suggestions.


The treatment methods for children with ADHD include:

  1. Behavioral Therapy: This is a treatment method based on the concept of learning theory. For example, positive reinforcement conditioning therapy can reinforce the non-hyperactive behaviors of hyperactive children.
  2. Psychological Therapy: Understanding the characteristics of a child’s growth and development and the specific psychological development at different age stages, discipline should be timely, fair, patient, and confident. There should be no harsh demands on children, and specific guidance and assistance should be provided.
  3. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment: Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for ADHD is effective, has a rapid onset of action, does not recur, and has no toxic side effects, making it the first choice for treating ADHD.